X5N Product Information | MasterBond.com

One component, nickel filled elastomeric system for high performance bonding, sealing and coating

X-5N One Part Elastomeric Compound

Key Features

  • One part, no mix system
  • Cures at room or elevated temperatures
  • Fast curing
  • Good electrical conductivity

Product Description

Master Bond X5N is a solvent based elastomeric system with good electrical conductivity. It has a paste-like consistency and is very easy to use. When used as an adhesive, it is simply applied in a thin layer to one of the substrates. The surfaces are then mated and fixtured, and the product is allowed to cure. Additionally, it can be applied in a similar manner as a coating material for shielding purposes. Curing in either case is generated by the evaporation of the solvent.

X5N bonds well to a wide variety of substrates including metals, glass, composites, ceramics as well as many rubbers and plastics. Upon curing, X5N has reasonably good strength in both shear and peel modes. Since it is rubber based, it is well suited for bonding dissimilar substrates and performs well when subjected to thermal cycling, vibration, shock and related forces. The service temperature range is from -80°F to +250°F, although it can withstand brief excursions at 350-400°F very well. It has good resistance to water and oils. This is a very useful product for conductive bonding and shielding because if its handling and curing profile as well as its properties after polymerization. Its ability to cure readily at room temperature, without mixing and a minimal amount of solvent evaporation is certainly favorable. This product is being used in electronic, aerospace and specialty OEM applications where this handling and property profile mentioned previously is desirable.



X5N is available is various sizes and units to accommodate customer's needs.

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